Lama da tak update my blog.
Hampir sebulan...
So, today before I start my task...
I would like to write something about me..
Hahaha, gaya ade orang nak tau...
Okay, kawan-kawan...
Right now I am working as a lecturer..
And FYI,
I never imagine to be a lecturer...
I thought for once, masa kecik-kecik dulu la nak jadi cikgu...
Tapi bila da besar sikit, I know tak sesuai nakjadi pengajar since I am a hot tempered person.
So, I change my ambition...
But mungkin dah takdir...
Aku mengajar akhirnya...
Student selalu tanya,
'miss, kenapa jadi lecturer? tak nak kerja lain ke??'
And I will answer, 'saya dah apply semua kerja tapi tak dapat and bila apply jadi lecturer ni, terus dapat.'
Or 'dah kerja lain tak nak kat saya, saya jadilah lecturer. Kalau tak, saya tak jumpa awak kan,'...
Jom cerita pasal my work.
I start my first job on March 2012.
Its already 8 months...
My first subject is Disease Prevention...
Luckily, I have learned about it before...
hmm, my task as lecturer:
1. I need to teach students. - I learned a lot since I became a lecturer.
2. Give tutorial.
3. Marking Quiz and test. ah, and also exam papers.
4. Jaga exam.
5. Update file.
6. Jadi Mentor. - I have about 44 mentee...
7. others...
Others tu maksudnya kerja-kerja lain yang aku kena buat la kat sini...
Biasa la kan, kerja kat mana-mana pun ada stressor.
So, stress tu benda biasa...
Luckily, I have colleague yang sangat supportive.
The main thing that made me love this work is my officemate yang sangat baik.
Ah, and also the students yang ada macam-macam pe'el...
I have mentees,
Which I always call them as 'anak-anak'..
And they will 'Miss, tolong la, jarak umur tak jauh la..'
But usually, they will layan my kepala gila and call me 'mommy'...
So last Monday and Tuesday,
I spent my time with my anak-anak..
Monday, picnic di Sg. Sendat...
While Tuesday, BBQ at Sg. Kemensah.
Picnic at Sg. Sendat, Ulu Yam...with batch 21 G1...
I was bullied by anak-anak...hahaha..
I organized games for them and one of it is "cari gula-gula dalam tepung"..
After finish the game, aku jadi mangsa...
Habis putih kena baling dengan tepung...
See, my anak-anak is so naughty kan...
Then on Tuesday night,
My anak-anak form batch 21 G3 organized BBQ at Sg. Kemensah.....
have a lot of fun...
Main hujan....
Tengok diorang main air....aku gelak sakan jek...
I will upload pictures later...
Sebab gambar tak ada lagi...
My life is not the most pathetic...
So I decide to move on and enjoy it as it should be....
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