This is my page....
My place to say what I feel, What I think and what happen to me..
So, please do read but don't get any negative feelings to me...
I'm just me...
ready to learn and listen....


Friday, October 7, 2011

Memori 1

Kenapa memori?
Entri kali ni is all about memory this 23 year I live...
Ada beberapa bahagian..
For the first part...I would like to write about me during my childhood age...

Oh...this is for me actually...
who knows, umur panjang...boleh suruh cucu2 baca kat sini je kan...

As I wrote before... I was born in the hospital...secara pembedahan (lupa la word dlm BI)...
Because my mom had high blood pressure...But ALHAMDULILLAH...ALLAH give me the chances to live in this world....
I was born on Wednesday...17th August 1988..a little bit early than the expected due date..huhu..

What I really remember during my childhood is I don't really mix with my neighbour.. My playtime is around 5-5.30 then my sister will called me to mandi!!! Sigh... hahaha.. =_='

What else huh...
I cant really remember..
Hmm, during my kindergarten..I am a slow girl....sometime don't really understand what teacher said and I always pinched by Cikgu Mala..So sad you know...

During in standard 3, I was terpilih to take PTS exam..still remember that exam?
Penilaian Tahap Satu...which if you doing well, you can jump straight to standard 5...
I took the exam but fail to be the success student la..

During my Standard 6, after a lot of games..
Ceper...tau apa ceper?? Tutup botol kaca, zaman dulu ade la...zaman sekarang ni x tau la...
Another games like lubang tikus and macam2 lagi la...
main pemadam pon termasuk kot...hahaha...
and during that time, I learned the word 'Expert' from my friend...

Ah, before I enter the Secondary school, I got and offer to enter sekolah berasrama di Kluang but unfortunately no asrama for me...the school is among the best la...
My dad refuse to let me in..I was so sad that time...because I really want to go to that school...
Lama-kelamaan I forgot about that and happy to study at my school!!!

 To be continued in Second part.......  :p

My clothes for convocation is done! Dah siap! 
Just now I went to pasar malam and bought the tudung...
Just a simple one la but I SATISFIED!!! can't wait to wear it...
Credit to Kak Ani who gave me the kain.... :)

I heard my MALE friend already got job...He is so lucky..
When will I be SO LUCKY as him???
PRAY for me okay....

Till the next entry, be safe and take care..
Thank you!!!

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