A few words....
Hope were given... or maybe I get my hope high..
Dreaming on and on...
No words had been exchange.. but still, I thought the deeds mean something...
I thought....
Ahad, on the way from home...
Scrolling down my IG...
Saw the stories...
First picture - girl atas pelamin with kawan2, caption: tahniah.
Second picture - man atas pelamin yang sama, caption: terima kasih pada semua yang hadir....
I could hear my heart break into pieces....
Untuk kesekian kalinya...
Typing.... TAHNIAH.. send...
And no reply till today....
I dont know what I feel...
Kejap macam sedih, kejap macam okay.
But I guess, I got what i've been waiting right...
A closure...
For all my hopes...
For all my dreams... of me and you....
Kalau dulu, it took me 3 years...
Untuk kali ni, berapa lama pulak?
alaaa...xpela Aini. Dont give up.