This is my page....
My place to say what I feel, What I think and what happen to me..
So, please do read but don't get any negative feelings to me...
I'm just me...
ready to learn and listen....


Thursday, May 27, 2010

My schedule for next sem..

ENV 514
ENV 504
ENV 514

ENV 516
ENV 424
ENV 516


ENV 424
2:30 - 4:20


ENV 512
11:30 - 01:20
ENV 512
2:30 - 4:20

ENV 513
9:30 - 11:20

ENV 513
2:30 - 4:20

macam tak pack..
tapi mesti banyak keje...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

new car..

Today, abang awi got his car..
white in colour, wira aerobac...
great rite??
abang faizal, abang apun and abang awi has wira aerobac..
the different is only the colour of the car..

I am happy for him..
even it just secondhand car but it is his titik peluh, rite?
I am proud of him
and I knoe,
my parents also proud of their son..
both abang awi and abang apun has their own car...
and now, nak and ayah senang sikit nak pergi mana-mana.

just now, I and abang awi read Yasin and the water is used to pour the car..
I don't know the function but both abang apun ans kak ani said the same thing,
so, mak ask abang awi to do it..

this friday, the new car will bring us to JB..
ada majlis kahwin kat rumah pak ngah...
tidor kat rumah kak ani...

tak sabar!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

back pain

i got back pain..
not lower or upper back pain...
but it is at the left side..
i will feel hurt if i start moving..
i dont know what cause it..
but it is really painful and mke me uncomfortable...

Monday, May 24, 2010

24 MAY...

first of all, I want to sing a song....
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to my sweetheart..
happy birthday to you........

ok, selamat hari lahir khas diucapkan kepada Syed fareez b. Syed Nasir...
semoga panjang umor and murah rezeki..
wish you have a wonderful day..
dah tua...hahaha..
so, be matured and stay as yourself..

hari ni, 
abang awi and ayah continue build up the garage..
and today, Wak Lan also help them..
12 in the noon, the last zinc was put up...
then my father said, 'dah gelap mata'....
he get down and was at the window while my mom was beside him..
suddenly ayah collapse..
my mom and everybody shocked..
I ran out while mak and Wak Lan try to wake him up and ask him to sit down...
ayah ask for 'kerusi mals'
then abang awi took it and ayah sat on it..

even it just for a few second but it shocked me out..
sapa yang tak risau kan..

ayah do not take breakfast this morning..
he just take a sip of coffee and he did not ate the ubi rebus...
then he did the work with the hot sun...
hmm...I don't know what to say..
but I really glad that ayah is okay..

just now, I planned to help mak clean up the garage area..
but suddenly, it was raining heavily..
sempat masukkan kereta sorong and meja lipat je..
then, main hujan la..
tak lama pun..
only for a few minutes..
tolong mak gai parit yang tertimbus clit pastu diri je dalam hujan..


Sunday, May 23, 2010

one word...tired

hari ni, kerja di awal pagi, aku dapat siapkan awal..
tambah rajin, aku tolong mak jahit langsir...
baik kn aku ni..
just kidding..

pastu,petang pulak abang awi start nak buat garaj baru...
aku baru lepas mandi mase die start..
takkan nak biar die buat sorang kan..
so, aku yang konon-konon tengah rajib, p la tolong die...
memang penat..
ok, aku bukan la orang yang bertungkus lumus buat semua kerja..
tapi ada la menyumbangkan tenaga..
ukur mengukur...
angkat mengangkat..
and tak lupa...
jadi tukang hulur paku..
jadi la kan??

siap kena perli lagi tu..
aku angkat kayu nak letak atas tiang..
dah berdiri atas tong dah..
tapi sayangnya aku tetap tak sampai nak letak kayu tu..
'ai, itu pun tak sampai???'
peh, pedas gak aku dengar..
tapi nak buat camne..
aku mmg tak berapa tinggi and aku bukan la anak lelaki untuk mak n ayah..
so, nak wat keje berat tu memang tak termampu la kan..
kesian kat ayah and abang awi la..
tapi, aku cuba apa yang termampu..
kayu 18 kaki pun aku angkat..but with abang awi la..
ok la kan..dari tak tolong langsung....

sekarang ni, aku nak rehat..
oo, katil ni nampak sangat cantik dan empuk...

my bed, here I come.....

Saturday, May 22, 2010


after 2 weeks keep silent, I'm here again..
My broadband was with my adik so I cannot connect to internet..
email pun dah lama tak bukak..

dalam 2 minggu ni, a lot of things happened..
Thomas Cup...
where we fail to get it again...
but, its ok...
for me, our player has tried thier best and in my opinion, China was in good condition..
Lin Dan play best...

last week, Ijat balik.
melayan kerenah si kecik tu buat hujung minggu aku terisi...

'ni buah ciku,' I said to him..but he said..
'ukan, ukan,' (bukan,bukan)
'habis tu buah apa ijat?' I asked him back..
'uah iku.' (buah ciku).... geram tak??? sabar je la..

'sape comel?' I asked him..
'sape pandai?'
'sape nakal?'
he keep silent for few second before answered

that statement really funny..I can't keep smiling..
ijat, the manja and nakal kid..
nak marah pun tak boleh..huhu..
he such a cute child...

last week also, adik went to an interview for PPKP at Majlis Perbandaran Melakah Bersejarah..
hopefully, she will get that job..
boleh la mintak die support sikit broadband sem depan.
haha, just joking but I really hope and pray for her...

semalam adik and abang apun balik...
tapi ari ni dah balik felda soeharto balik..
tapi tadi, adik call cakap tayar kereta abang apun meletup..
i was shocked and called her back..
luckily both abang apun and adik okay..
ALHAMDULILLAH...bersyukur sangat..
adik will stay at abang apun house for a while because she will learn driving..

i will start thinking and finding journal for my final year project..
I have seminar on it on 28th to 30th of June..
and Presentation final year project proposal on 1st of July..
Yes, I still have another one month..
but you know, time does not wait for me..
but dont worry, I still have time to read the novel in internet...huhu..

Friday, May 7, 2010


today, the last day for me and Ema as a roomate..
nearly a year, be in a room together and today when she left...
It feel empty...chewah...
takde la.. tapi terasa sunyilah...
no more pot pet ema..

starting next sem, we will not in a room and also in a house..
she will be with her house and also me..
different and quite far...
kalau jalan kaki 20 minit baru sampai kot dari rumah aku pergi rumah ema..

to ema,
thanks coz being my roomate for this semester..
thanks coz you share everything with me..
accept me as I am..

next day and next semester,
the is no one will sing the 'jiwang' song with me..
no one will sing loudly together with me..
it will be different..

I pray for you,
take care of yourself..
aku takde dah nak membebel kat ko..

thanks a lot..
it is a nice memory be with you as a roommate..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


hari ni,
I start with tempah clearence...
After that I went to Shah Alam...
biasa la ikut Kak Wan..menyibuk nak ikut Kak Wan..
pastu makan and terus pergi rumah sewa..
cuci rumah sewa...
serius I said, it is tiring..
penat sangat..
bile sampai kolej balik, aku cume nampak katil je..
nak tido je..

my mom send for me nasi putih + ayam masak kicap + sambal goreng...
kenyang la makan malam ni..
makan dengan kakwan....
dah lama x makan masakan mak..
Mak, orang balik next week..tunggu orang tau...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

rse x sehat...

banyak sangat tekanan even exam dah habis...
sampai badan rase nak demam..
mak, orang nak balik!!!!

cepat la hari berlalu...
aku nak balik...

Monday, May 3, 2010

it got mixed up..

hm..hari ni I have fun...
but then a little bit complicated matter comes up...
money..related with the rented house..

this evening, I went to Klang Central..
I bought ticket to Kluang..
Then, because of the heavy traffic, we decide to stay..
credit to Fiza cause she is the one who brought us to Klang Central..
then, to fill the time, we ate at Anis Soup Utara nearby...
after maghrib, we went to the funfair... some games then ride something scary..
first impression I thought that it is just buai yang pusing2..
but then, it going faster and faster and I felt like I'm flying..
that second, I just thought if the chain break, I will die....
menjerit tak usah cakap la..
4 orang naik, tapi jerit tak tau kuat camne..
shivering and tears nearly comes out..
luckily, we end the ride safely..
then, all of us laughing because of our experience..
huuuu, scary..

tomorrow, I need to sign the agreement for the rented house..
but one problem comes out..
hmm, I need to add the money..
I am in money shortage and I need to borrow it from my friend..
hmm, credit to Kak Wan..

aku doakan anyone who always help me and tak berkira with me,
dimurahkan rezeki selalu...
ALLAH je yang boleh balas jasa korang..

exam dah habis....

Jumaat hari tu last paper tuk final exam...
Lega, sangat2 lega..
Pastu boring la plak..
Tak tau nak watpe..

hari sabtu kuar jalan2 dengan Fiza..
Semalam pergi mid dengan kak wan..
jumpa hati manis saye..haha..
credit to him, I can bought that box..
thanks la sebab hantar balik semalam...
Penat, tapi seronok...

A little bit sad sebab novel Pergilah Air Mata, mahal..
bila la nak dapat beli ni.
tapi at least, dapat la gak beli Baju Pengantin Mak andam..

lapar, tapi malas nak turun...
nanti2 la...